So yesterday, my friend Kirsten came over for part II of our quest for beauty!
She had never had anything waxed before!
This is exciting news for someone like me!
I was so excited when she agreed to be a model for
me to demonstrate how to shape your brows.
{I think that EVERYONE has some shaping they can do.
I have not met one person who has perfect brows.}
Anyway, onto the instructions:
Step 1: Using a small comb or make-up brush, comb your brows upward. You are going to trim anything that goes above your natural brow line.
This sometimes seems scary at first, but trust me on this one!
Step 2: Once you have both brows nice and trimmed, you will use an eyeliner pencil or make-up brush to determine where your brows should begin, end and arch.
Line the pencil up with your outer nostril, straight up. This is where your brow should start.
Step 3: Next, angle the pencil so it hits the middle of your iris when you are looking straight. This will determine where your arch should be.
Step 4: Angle it now a little further to the outer corner of your eye.
Where the pencil hits is how long your brows should be.
You can use a light eyeliner pencil to mark your measurements if you are tweezing.
We waxed Kirsten's, but I don't recommend you try that on your own!
Come to a professional!!
{Like me!!}
Here is the BEFORE....
And the AFTER!!
Ta da!
It totally opened up her eyes and gave her a very neat and clean look.
Thanks Kirsten!!
I hope these instructions make sense.
Please feel free to e-mail me or leave a comment with any questions!!